When people begin care in our office, one of the most common questions we get after an adjustment is, “That’s it?” There seems to be some confusion initially about how the small amount of force that was put into your body in the location it was given is going to be enough to bring about the desired results.

There are really three different questions to cover here, so let’s look at them one at a time.

Anyone who has ever gone to sleep with a mosquito in the room knows how a tiny thing can change an entire room! Here are two more examples of how small things can make a big difference. There are two ways to open a locked door. One way is to force your way through it by knocking it down; the other is to find the right key and gently turn it. If you move a kaleidoscope just ¼ turn, the entire picture changes. So how does this relate to our neurological approach? Our techniques allow us to be so incredibly accurate with our adjustments that we rarely have to use more than a minimal force. Remember the nerves control the muscles which naturally move the bone. So we can gently communicate with your nervous system and it will do the rest to relax your muscles and move the bone back to where it needs to be. You don’t have to force change into an intelligent system you just have to find the right key to open the door to allow life energy to flow between your brain and body.

Think of the last time you were in a traffic jam. You noticed the problem where YOU were, but was this necessarily where the problem was? If you are the cause of a traffic jam, then it is necessary to work right where you notice the problem. However, what if the cause of the congestion is somewhere else down the road? Even though you notice the problem where you are at that moment, the cause of the problem (which is somewhere else) must be cleared, and then you will notice an improvement where you are as well. The same thing is true in your body. With the scans we are able to figure out where the road blocks or traffic jams are in your nervous system. Then we support your body to remove them and restore the communication between your brain and body.

We must first ask what is your ultimate goal? Is it to have less of something (i.e., less pain, less spasm, less inflammation, less disease, less restriction, etc.), or is it to help you express your body’s natural ability to heal itself to its fullest potential. Wouldn’t you rather have more of something (i.e., more energy, more focus, more movement, more health and ultimately more life!) It is important to understand that expressing your purpose and potential in life is a PROCESS, all processes take TIME! Remember that we are working with a lifetime of accumulated stress and trauma in the body that has all affected your nervous system one way or another. Understand that as the adjustment process continues, and as you progressively make health-creating lifestyle changes, your light will begin to fully express and your body will heal in the way in which it was made to!

We like to ask the question, “How do you remove the darkness from a room?” The answer, of course, is that you don’t! You ADD LIGHT. The same is true of everything in life, including your health. Our mission at Living Life Chiropractic is to enhance your LIGHT so it can overcome the darkness and you can shine brighter. So if you ask me, “Is that it?” My response will likely be, “That’s plenty!”